
Website Deployment

We have rich experience in cloud solutions from simple website deployment to complex enterprise infra: design and architecture. Here we will showcase some specific use cases that we have done in our cloud solution expertise also it is not possible to discuss all, but this will give you an idea of our work on cloud solutions.

We have worked on very popular and industry-used web servers like Apache, Nginx, and Apache Tomcat and do the deployment of websites on Public as well as private clouds with SSL configurations, custom configuration for handling www, non-SSL to SSL e.t.c


Server Management

Server Management is a very broad term, it includes many tasks as per application nature, let’s discuss a few that we are doing for our clients:

Management of servers like uptime, load balancing, server logs clean up, memory management, and server performance.

Enterprise applications are very big in terms of resource consumption and management of application code on servers and nowadays, the industry is following microservices architecture. There are many security rules and inter-server communications and load balancing, and uptime commitment.




DevOps: Development operations is like a new track in the cloud world with a mixture of old and new techniques, using code and agile methodology approach. we have done many CI/CD pipelines for our clients and helped them to fasten their development process and fast go live to the market with compromising security.

Security Certifications

Security is like the backbone of any application running on the internet even a small mobile app needs proper security to keep it safe from the open internet world because hackers are always browsing apps to exploit them and charge money from app owners.

We have rich experience in implementing security on the application as well as infra level, we have passed security compliance for our clients like ISO 27001, PCI DSS, SAR & Data Localizations.